My Fearless Aunt Louise

You may not know this, but my beloved Aunt Louise is the inspiration behind the Stay Fearless product line in my online shop. There is a whole world out there telling you what and how you should be. This is your permission slip to tell them to move along ~ because you are perfect exactly as you are! Without my beloved Aunt Louise, I’m not sure the version of Marykay you’d see before you today. Stay with me on this, because I actually have a point and it’s not just to hawk my merch. :-)

The younger version of Marykay (me) was often filled to overflowing with fear and didn't know she was special and okay exactly as she was. She does now. (Bear with me referencing myself in third person…) I have such appreciation for my Aunt Louise, who loves me unconditionally. hen I was a teenager, she once told me "It's just fear, don't let it stop you."  As a teen who was terrified of so many things, that simple statement resonated. Because of her, an important part of me survived a childhood which conspired to put me into a tiny, tiny box. This allowed me to grow into an adult who doesn't let fear stop her. Sure, I have days as we all do, but most days, I show up in life relatively fearless.

Equally as important, I can enthusiastically cheer you and others on because I know it doesn't detract from me to encourage others. Now, I surround myself with people who cheer me on and even on my darkest days, I can find the core of who I am and be legitimately authentic. Like really.

Going back to my Aunt Louise, she is a lot of people's favorite actually. She loves everyone freely without judgement and she will try just about anything. She is courageous even when facing odds that seem against her. Hell, she built a house on her own in her 40s. I don't mean she was the project manager for the construction writing checks to pay the workers, rather she hands-on built a house. A whole house! She rode horses her whole life, even into her 80s. Have I mentioned yet she's also brilliantly funny? Well, she is and I love her so very much!

Below is a photo of us about 12 years ago when she traveled with me to Singapore, Vietnam and Hong Kong ... in her '70s. Fearless I tell you!

I'll end this rambling TED talk of a blog post with one of my favorite quotes: To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Who do you inspire? Who is your inspiration? I would love to hear about them!

#BeYou #StayFearless


How we ended up with Chickens …